Turning our scarf-joined plywood sheets into the pieces that will form the first layer of Burnett's hull.
January 24, 2021
An account of our 400 nm journey from Sri Lanka to the Maldives, a small island nation in the Arabian Sea, where we experienced our first taste of bad weather, the best fish and chips we've ever had, and a grounding in the shallows!
January 17, 2021
Using dimensioned drawings to turn our stack of splined ¾” plywood into Burnett's bulkheads.
January 10, 2021
Happy New Year! We resolve to be better at keeping our blog up to date. Here is a look at what we have been up to since our last post, and why you haven't heard from us in a while!
January 2, 2021
In the spring of 2019 we crewed on a sailboat heading across the Indian Ocean. With zero offshore sailing experience we didn't know what to expect, but the trip turned out to be an experience of a lifetime. We left Thailand with our bow pointed to the open ocean, Sri Lanka our first destination.
May 31, 2020
Joining sheets of ¾” plywood to build structural walls that separate the chain locker from the fo'c'sle, the fo'c'sle from the galley, the galley from the head, the head from the cockpit, and the cockpit from the lazarette.
May 15, 2020
Selecting high-quality boards to add strength and stiffness where it counts.
April 30, 2020
Joining plywood sheets end to end to make the panels that will be the first layer of Burnett's hull.
April 2, 2020
A bit of background on how the project came to be, the shop we built, and the many other steps it took to get us started.